Chinese Restaurant Bamiyan

[From March Issue 2015]

“Chinese Restaurant Bamiyan” is a chain of 342 restaurants. They offer not only standard dishes like gyoza (dumplings with minced pork and vegetable stuffing) and ramen (Chinese noodles in soup), but also authentic Chinese food like Peking duck. Seasonal fare dishes are made with high quality ingredients and are available for a limited period only. With set menus you can eat for a reasonable price. English menu available.

[No. 1] Authentic Grilled Gyoza 239 yen

Made in house, these dumplings are fried to a crispy finish on one side. Wrapped in a springy case, the filling is as juicy as xiaolongbao soup dumplings. Delicious even without any dipping sauce.

[No. 2] Bamiyan Ramen 449 yen

Traditional ramen in soy sauce, chicken bone and dried bonito broth. Pork fat and garlic create a subtle flavor.

[No. 3] Fried Rice 499 yen

Frying the rice almost to the point of burning it brings out its delicious taste, pleasant aroma and fine texture. Unlimited soup refills come with this dish.
Chinese Restaurant Bamiyan[2015年3月号掲載記事]

「中華レストラン バーミヤン」は342店舗を展開する中華料理のチェーン店。ぎょうざやラーメンなど手軽なものから北京ダックなど本格的な料理まで取りそろえている。高級食材を使った期間限定フェアも開催しており、その時期だけのメニューも楽しめる。コース料理を含め、どれも手頃な価格で食べられる。メニューには英語も掲載。

【No.1】本格焼餃子 239円


【No.2】バーミヤンラーメン 449円


【No.3】チャーハン 499円


中華レストラン バーミヤン

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