  • 赤飯と紅白なます

    [From March Issue 2010]

    Ingredients [Serves 2]


    • 1 cup (180ml) sticky rice
    • 15g azuki (red) beans
    • 1 cup water (200ml)
    • 100ml water (inc. water used to boil azuki)
    • Goma-shio (sesame & salt)
    • 1 tsp toasted sesame (black)
    • 1/6 tsp salt


    • 150g daikon (Japanese radish)
    • 15g carrots
    • 1/4 tsp salt

    Sweet vinegar

    • 1 1/2 tbsp vinegar
    • 1/2 tbsp sugar
    • 1/2 tbsp Japanese liquid soup stock
    • a pinch of salt (between your thumb and forefinger)
    • 1 tsp white, roasted sesame seeds

    Shibu-kiri (lit. “harshness cut down”): boiling and discarding the liquid removes the scum (harsh taste), which causes harshness. The harshness of beans harvested during autumn will increase over time.


    1. Rinse sticky rice and soak in plenty of water for more than one hour.
    2. Place azuki (red) beans and plenty of water in a medium pot and boil over a high heat. Simmer for a couple of minutes then drain with a colander (shibu-kiri).
    3. Put the azuki beans back in the pot with 1 cup water, and let simmer for 20 to 30 minutes until soft (so that the beans can be mashed between your finger).
    4. Separate the azuki beans from cooked liquid. Add water to the cooked liquid to make 100ml.
    5. Drain the sticky rice. Once drained thoroughly, place in the rice cooker. Add mixture (4) and azuki beans, then turn on the rice cooker. After the rice is done, mix well.
    6. Lightly roast the black sesame seeds in a frying pan and add salt.
    7. Garnish each serving of red bean rice with the salted sesame seeds.


    1. Cut both daikon radish and carrots into 4cm long julienne strips. (You may cut carrots thinner since they are more colorful than the radish.)
    2. Sprinkle each with salt (do not mix together or colors will run) and then put the vegetables into separate bowls.
    3. Briefly stir each bowl then let sit for five to ten minutes so water accumulates.
    4. Mix together vinegar, sugar, liquid soup stock and salt to make the sweet vinegar.
    5. Drain all the vegetables then mix in the sweet vinegar.
    6. Garnish with sesame.




    • もち米 米用カップ1(180ml)
    • あずき 15 g
    • 水 カップ1(200 ml)
    • あずきのゆで汁+水100ml
    • ごま塩
    • いりごま(黒) 小さじ1
    • 塩 小さじ1/6


    • 大根 150g
    • にんじん 15g
    • 塩 小さじ1/4


    • 酢 大さじ1+1/2
    • 砂糖 大さじ1/2
    • だし(液状の和風だし) 大さじ1/2
    • 塩 少々(親指と人差し指で少しつまむ量)
    • いりごま(白) 小さじ1



    1. もち米はとぎ、たっぷりの水に1時間以上つけます。
    2. 鍋にあずきとたっぷりの水を入れ、強火にかけます。お湯がわいたら、弱火で2~3分ゆで、ざるにあけます。(渋きり)
    3. あずきを鍋に戻し、水カップ1を入れ、弱火で20~30分やわらかくなるまで(押せば変形するぐらい)ゆでます。
    4. あずきとゆで汁に分けます。ゆで汁に水を足し、100mlにします。
    5. もち米をざるにあけ、水気をきります。水滴がなくなったら、炊飯器に入れます。あずきと4を加えて混ぜ、スイッチを入れます。炊き上がったら、全体を混ぜます。
    6. フライパンで黒ごまをあたため、塩を混ぜます。

    7. 赤飯を盛り、ごま塩をふってできあがりです。


    1. 大根、にんじんは4cm長さの千切りにします。にんじんは色が目立つので、大根よりも細めに切ります。
    2. それぞれに塩をふります。一緒にすると色移りがするため、別々の器に入れます。
    3. 軽く混ぜ、5~10分おいて水気を出します。
    4. 酢、砂糖、だし、塩を混ぜ、甘酢を作ります。
    5. 2の水気をしぼり、甘酢であえます。
    6. いりごまをふります。

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  • どうして駅弁は日本でこんなに人気がある?

    [From March Issue 2010]

    “Ekiben,” boxed meals sold at train stations, are very popular among the Japanese. They are typically filled with locally grown ingredients and dishes unique to their region, and their wrapping paper usually depicts the scenery or a specialty of the particular town. Ingenuity is often exercised in the containers as well, with shell-shaped containers being used for ekiben sold near the seashore and pottery used for ones available in towns known for their pottery.

    Take for example, “Gyuuniku-domannaka,” sold at Yonezawa Station in Yamagata Prefecture. It’s an ekiben that uses ”Domannaka,” rice grown in the prefecture, and is popular nationwide. The rice that makes up two thirds of the obento (boxed meal) is topped with domestically-produced beef cooked in the style of sukiyaki (a dish of thinly sliced beef flavored with sugar, soy sauce and sake). Since it is very popular, this ekiben is sold not only at Yonezawa Station, but also on the Yamagata Shinkansen (bullet train), as well as at stations like Tokyo, Ueno and Omiya.

    The “Ikameshi” from Mori Station in Hokkaido also has a reputation as a delicious ekiben. Ikameshi is a dish made by boiling squid stuffed with rice. This obento contains two pieces of squid and is sold for 500 yen, a fairly low price for an ekiben. It is so popular among ekiben fans that merchandise such as ikameshi-shaped straps and bags with the same pattern as its wrapping paper, are sold.

    Not only are ekiben sold at their respective places of origin, but they are also available at ekiben events held in big cities such as Tokyo. For example, in October 2009, “Higashi Nihon Jyuudan Ekiben Taikai” (The Fair of Ekiben from around Eastern Japan) was held at Tokyo Ekitchen inside Tokyo Station. Thirty-seven companies known for their ekiben across eastern Japan participated and sold about 100 kinds of ekiben, including ones made exclusively for the event.

    There are also some shops that specialize in popular ekiben. Umaimon, with branch stores in Tokyo and Omiya (Saitama Prefecture), sells 50 to 60 different kinds of ekiben from various stations around Japan. They not only gather and sell ekiben, but create new ekiben in cooperation with regional ekiben companies. They also carry hard-to-find ekiben that are not widely available at other ekiben shops.

    Some people eat ekiben as a hobby while others write about ekiben for work. One person who does both is UESUGI Tsuyoshi, who has been eating and comparing all kinds of ekiben for over 30 years. He has launched a website called “Ekiben no komado” (Small Window to Ekiben), where he recommends ekiben and provides information about ekiben events. He also collects ekiben wrapping paper and has written a book about it.

    Rankings of the most popular ekiben are often released on the Internet, some by food companies and others by individuals. In addition to rankings based on taste, there are various other rankings such as for containers. Uesugi’s website even ranks ekiben that are no longer available but that ekiben lovers want to see return.

    Why are ekiben so popular? “Ekiben is one of the most enjoyable parts of traveling by train,” says a woman living in Tokyo, adding that eating ekiben while looking out the window at the passing scenery is fun in itself. Speaking about an ekiben that she bought at an event, she says: “By eating the ekiben, you can enjoy the feeling of traveling somewhere without doing so. I also feel happy to be able to eat something at home that I normally cannot buy unless I visit the particular town.”

    “Famous ekiben at major stations are good, but there are also tasty ekiben at small stations in the country,” says KONDO Masaaki of Nippon Restaurant Enterprise Co., Ltd., the company which runs Umaimon. “Some ekiben sold at small stations in Nagano and Niigata Prefectures are handmade by cooks who are particular about seasoning and the way they broil fish.” Finding such ekiben is another fun aspect about them.

    “They are fun to look at and taste great. What’s more, they’re convenient,” says MIURA Yukie of Umaimon’s Omiya branch, speaking about the appeal of ekiben. Having started selling ekiben part-time after her children had grown up, Miura is now the manager of the store. She boosted sales by recommending to her customers ekiben that she likes herself. Miura shared the following memory about ekiben.

    “One time I was focusing on selling this particular ekiben by recommending it to customers. Then a customer who had bought the ekiben came back and bought it again. He said, ‘This ekiben was so good that I thought I would buy it for my mother. She is dead now, but I will place one on her grave and then share this ekiben with my family while she is with us in spirit.’ When I heard this story, I was really glad that I had recommended it to him.”

    Most Japanese had their parents make boxed meals for them when they were children. Those nostalgic memories may be the reason why they are so attached to, and particular about, obento. The appeal of ekiben includes memories of travel, unique dishes and beautiful wrapping, as well as all the merits of a satisfying boxed meal. Given all that, it is only natural for the Japanese to love them.

    In Japan, There are Many Kinds of Obento

    Some, such as boxed meals for cherry-blossom viewing in the spring time, and ones featuring broiled eel in summer, are seasonal fare. Many people also buy or make obento for lunch. Most Japanese know ways of making a boxed meal last longer, including putting an umeboshi (sour pickled plum) in the rice.

    Many people are particular about the way they make their obento. For example, some use cups or wraps to separate the different dishes from one-another, so that they don’t touch, while others consider the colors of the ingredients used so that they look beautiful together. Some even make artistic obento called “chara-ben” (boxed meals inspired by anime or manga characters) and “deco-ben” (decorated boxed meals) such as HAMA Chiharu’s. For all obento makers, a variety of stores carrying special utensils exist.

    Shops that sell obento are also particular about their services. Most obento come with a pair of chopsticks and tsumayouji (a toothpick), as well as otefuki (a wet tissue for wiping your hands clean) and, you can often have your obento microwaved.

    Ekiben no komado
    Tokyu Hands
    Nippon Restaurant Enterprise Co., Ltd.
    Obento by HAMA Chiharu

    Text: SAZAKI Ryo /文:砂崎 良


    「駅弁」という駅で売られるお弁当が日本人の間でとても人気です。駅弁にはその土地で取れる食材や、めずらしい料理などがつめられ、「掛け紙」には その町の風景や名物などが描かれています。容器も工夫されています。海の近くでは貝の形をした駅弁がありますし、陶器の町では陶器入りの駅弁があります。

















    Text: SAZAKI Ryo /文:砂崎 良

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  • ふろふき大根

    [From February Issue 2010]

    Ingredients [Serves 2]

    • Daikon (Japanese radish: thick part) 6 to 8cm
    • 2.5 (500ml) cups rice-rinsed water
    • 5×10 cm (approx.) konbu seaweed
    • Yuzu miso (bean paste with citron)
    • 2 tbsp (approx. 30g) miso
    • 1 tbsp sugar
    • 1 tbsp mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
    • 1 tbsp Japanese granulated stock (available at stores)
    • pinch of citron skin
    • Mentori : (beveling) cutting the edges of daikon and pumpkins before cooking. This prevents the edges from crumbling while cooking.
    • Kakushi-boucho: (hidden knife) since daikon is thick, a cross-shaped incision is made in the underside of the daikon. It speeds up the cooking and makes it easier to cut with chopsticks when eating.
    • Kome-no togi-jiru : (rice-rinsed water) starch contained in water that has been used to rinse rice absorbs the bitterness and acrid taste of daikon. If this water is not available, add 1 tbsp of uncooked rice in water.

    To Prepare

    1. Cut the daikon in 3~4cm thick rounds then peel skin deeply.
    2. Trim the cut edges (mentori). On one side of the disk, cut a cross that goes 1/3 deep (kakushi-bouchou).
    3. Place the daikon in the pot with the cut side facing down. Add the kome-no togi-jiru (rice-rinsed water) until the daikon is fully submerged.
    4. Put on the otoshi-buta (drop-lid) and boil on high. Then simmer for approximately 7 minutes over a medium heat.
    5. Take the daikon out, and rinse with cold water. Wash the pot and otoshi-buta.
    6. Place konbu seaweed in the pot. Add the daikon and water until the daikon is fully submerged, put on the otoshi-buta and lid. Boil on high, and then cook for approximately 20 minutes on a low-medium heat.
    7. Make the yuzu-miso sauce. In a pan, add the ingredients in the order listed (excluding the citron) while mixing. Once smooth, put pan over heat. Mix for 2 to 3 minutes over a medium heat. Set aside to cool for a while then add grated citron skin.
    8. Place the daikon on a plate with the yuzu-miso sauce.



    • 大根(太い部分) 6~8cm
    • 米のとぎ汁 2.5カップ(500ml)
    • こんぶ 約5×10cm角
    • ゆずみそ
    • みそ 大さじ2(約30g)
    • 砂糖 大さじ1
    • みりん 大さじ1
    • 顆粒だし(市販の和風だし)大さじ1
    • ゆずの皮 少々
    • 面取り:大根やかぼちゃを煮るときに、あらかじめ煮くずれしやすい角をとっておくことです。
    • かくし包丁:大根が厚いので裏に切り込みを入れておきます。中心まで火が通りやすく、はしで切り分けしやすくなります。
    • 米のとぎ汁:米のとぎ汁に含まれるでんぷんは、大根の苦味や辛味の成分を吸いとります。とぎ汁がなければ、米大おさじ1 を水に加えます。


    1. 大根は3~4cm厚さの輪切りにして、皮を厚めにむきます。
    2. 切り口の角を薄すく「面取り」します。切り口の一方に、厚みの3分の1まで十文字の「かくし包丁」を入れます。
    3. 鍋に切り込みを入れた面を下にして大根をおきます。「米のとぎ汁」を大根がかぶるくらいまで入れます。
    4. 落としぶたをして強火にかけます。ふっとうしたら中火で約7分ゆでます。
    5. 大根を取り出し、水洗らいをします。鍋と落としぶたも洗らいます。
    6. 鍋にこんぶをしき、大根を入れ、かぶるくらいの水を加え、落としぶたと鍋のふたをして強火にかけ、ふっとうしたら弱めの中火で約20分煮ます。
    7. 「ゆずみそ」を作くります。鍋にゆず以外の材料を順に混ぜながら入れます。なめらかになったら火にかけます。中火で2~3分混ぜながら少こし煮詰めます。火ひ からおろし、冷ましてから、ゆずの皮をすりおろして入れます。
    8. 器に大根を盛り、ゆずみそをかけてできあがりです。

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  • 筑前煮



    • とりもも肉(皮付き)1枚 100g
    • 酒 小さじ1
    • ゆでたけのこ 50g
    • れんこん 50g
    • にんじん 50g
    • ごぼう 50g
    • こんにゃく 50g
    • 干ししいたけ 2個
    • さやえんどう 6枚
    • ごま油 大さじ1/2
    • しょうゆ 大さじ1

    砂糖 大さじ1/2
    みりん 大さじ1/2
    酒 大さじ1

    • そぎ切り:左端から切ります。包丁を右に45度傾けて食材に当てそのまま斜めに削ぐように切ります。
    • いちょう切り:4分の1(いちょうの葉の形)に切ることです。
    • 乱切り:細長いものを斜めに切り、さらに90度回転して切ることです。
    • 落としぶた:煮物を作るとき、材料の上に鍋の大きさより一回り小さなふたを直接のせます。落としぶたがない場合はアルミホイルを鍋の大きさに合わせて切り、真ん中に穴をあけ蒸気を逃がすように作ります。
    1. とり肉は3cm角のそぎ切りにし、酒をふり、もみ込みます。
    2. たけのこは4~5cmの長さにし、1cm厚さのいちょう切りにします。れんこんは1cm厚さのいちょう切りにします。にんじん、ごぼうは乱切りにします。れんこんとごぼうは水にさらします。
    3. こんにゃくは一口大に切り、ゆでます。
    4. 干ししいたけは水カップ1/3に30分つけて戻します。戻し汁はとりおき、だしと水を合わせます。しいたけは軸をとり、2切れのそぎ切りにします。
    5. さやえんどうは筋をとり、さっとゆでます。大きなさやえんどうは3cmの長さに切ります。
    6. 鍋にごま油を入れ熱し、野菜(さやえんどう以外)、しいたけ、こんにゃくを入れて強火でいためます。油が全体にいきわたったら、とり肉を加えていためます。
    7. とり肉の色が白く変わったら、調味料(A)を加え、沸騰したら、アクをとります。落としぶたをして、中火で約5分煮ます。
    8. しょうゆを加え、鍋のふたをずらしてのせ、15~20分煮ます。
    9. 煮汁が少なくなったら、落としぶたと鍋のふた両方をとり、火を少し強め、全体を大きく混ぜます。
    10. 鉢(深めの大皿)にこんもりと盛りつけます。さやえんどうを上に飾ります。


    Ingredients [Serves 2]

    • 1 (100g) chicken thigh with skin
    • 1 tsp sake
    • 50g pre-cooked bamboo shoots
    • 50g lotus root
    • 50g carrot
    • 50g burdock
    • 50g konnyaku
    • 2 dried shiitake mushrooms
    • 6 field peas
    • 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
    • 1 tbsp soy sauce

    (A) 1/2 cup stock made from 2g granulated bonito and kelp stock (available at stores) + stock of dried shiitake mushrooms + water
    1/2 tbsp sugar
    1/2 tbsp mirin cooking sake
    1 tbsp sake

    • Sogi-giri: It starts from the left. Tip the knife toward the right and cut with the tip of the knife at a 45°angle.
    • Ichou-giri: Cutting into quarters (the same shape of ginkgo leaves).
    • Ran-giri: Cutting a long item diagonally and turning it 90 degrees to repeat it.
    • Otoshi-buta: In making boiled and seasoned food, a lid that is one size smaller than the pot is directly placed on the contents. If otoshi-buta is not available, cut aluminum foil into the size of the pot, make a hole in the center and use it as a substitute lid to let steam out.
    1. With the knife flat, slice the chicken from the left (sogi-giri style) into 3-cm pieces. Pour sake over and rub it into the meat.
    2. Cut the bamboo into 4 ~ 5cm parts then quarter them. Cut lotus root into 1-cm slices then quarter (ichou-giri) them. Roughly chop up the carrot and the burdock. Soak the lotus root and burdock in water.
    3. Cut konnyaku into bite-size pieces and boil.
    4. In order to reconstitute the dried shiitake mushrooms, soak them in 1/3 cup of cold water for half an hour. Use the shiitake stock to make the whole stock (with granulated stock and water). Remove stalks from the mushrooms and slice them into two pieces sogi-giri style.
    5. Remove the string from the peas. Boil the peas quickly. Cut the big peas into 3cm pieces.
    6. Put sesame oil in the pot and heat it. Put the vegetables (with the exception of field peas), mushrooms, konnyaku in the pot and stir-fry them on a high heat. When the oil has spread to all ingredients, add the chicken and continue stir-frying.
    7. When the overall color of the chicken has turned white, add seasoning (A). When it has come to a boil, remove the scum from the surface of the liquid. Put a small lid (otoshi-buta) directly on the food being cooked and boil over a medium flame for about 5 minutes.
    8. Add soy sauce, move the lid of the pot slightly and boil for 15 ~ 20 minutes.
    9. When the broth has reduced, take off both lids (otoshi-buta and pot lid) and intensify the heat slightly. Stir the pot.
    10. Serve generously on a deep platter. Decorate with field peas.

    [From January Issue 2010][:]

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  • 「安い、早い」で人気の立ち飲み屋


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